What Is Starlink High Performance: Which One is Right for Me?

Starlink offers you two hardware choices, standard or high performance, so you’re probably thinking: What is Starlink high performance, and do I need it?

The standard version is suitable for most users: your home internet. 

On the other hand, high-performance hardware is usually used by businesses, professionals, and those who live in harsh weather conditions. 

If you are trying to pick between the two, it can be hard to do so. 

That’s why we have a guide here to help you see the differences between these hardware options and a description of each. 

You will be able to understand the differences and pick accordingly. 

The Standard Starlink Hardware Kit

The standard hardware kit is the option most customers take when they buy Starlink Residential. 

It is best for home use, such as making video calls, streaming your favorite shows, and browsing the web. 

Starlink Roam comes with a portable dish for travel purposes. The standard kit is $599 and comes with a dish, WiFi router, mounting base, and cables. 

It has everything that you need to get your WiFi up and running in a matter of minutes. 

You must ensure that there are no obstructions in front of the dish. When you put it on, the phased array antenna aims toward the best signal. 

You would need a roof mount for the best chance at this. Starlink accessories are sold separately. 

setting up a WiFi router

(setting up a WiFi router)

The High-Performance Dish

The high-performance kit usually comes with maritime, mobility, business plans and a voluntary upgrade for roaming or residential plans. 

This kind of dish is usually for professionals, but you can also buy it if you live in an area with harsh weather conditions. 

The high-performance dish is used for more demanding things. It has a higher throughput, which means it can get more of the sky and is not affected by harsh weather. 

You also get a flat high-performance version, which you can put on boats or vehicles while in motion

This kit is way more expensive, as it is $2500. You get the high-performance dish, power supply, mounting base, WiFi router, and cables. The setup is simple, just like the standard kit. 

satellite dish

(satellite dish)

Starlink Standard vs. High-Performance Dish

Let’s look at the differences between these two kits.

big antenna against the sky

(big antenna against the sky)


This is one of the most confusing things people think about the high-performance kit. Getting this kit does not mean you will have better internet speeds

Your Starlink connection only depends on the network, which depends on what type of service plan you buy. It also depends on how many Starlink users are in your area. 

The high-performance kit can handle more data, so that’s why it’s used for businesses or in situations that have a lot of devices. 

It can also have a higher upload speed because of its clearer sky view. 

You shouldn’t buy the high-performance kit in hopes that you will get a better internet speed if you only use it at home. 

Both kits are limited by the service plan you buy. 

So, businesses benefit more from the high-performance kit, but standard dishes are perfect for the normal user. 

Reliability and Obstructions

The high-performance is the best when it comes to harsh weather, and being reliable. 

Since the antenna is more prominent on the high-performance dish, you’re more covered on the internet. 

There is also a better power supply, so the dish handles ice, rain, and snow, which the standard dish cannot handle.

If you live in some area with heavy rain, snow, and ice, you should get the high-performance dish, even though it is pretty pricey. 

It will still give you internet access in this bad weather, compared to the standard dish, which is more reliable if you have important things to do. 

As for obstructions, the high-performance dish has a view of 135 degrees, while the standard dish only has 100 degrees. 

So, a high-performance dish is better suited to deal with the obstructions. 

The high degrees mean the high-performance dish can communicate with more Starlink satellites in the sky. 

Apart from harsh weather conditions, it helps if you live in an area with many trees. 

Mounting and Accessories

If you have an advanced mesh network system, then you should get a high-performance kit.

 With the standard kit, you don’t get an ethernet port and would have to buy the adapter from the Starlink website so you can add another router or make a whole network. 

But even in this situation, you still have to use your Starlink router because it gives power to the dish. 

On the other hand, the high-performance kit comes with an ethernet cable, which lets you connect your router or network things. This means you wouldn’t need the Starlink router/ 

As for the mounting options, they are similar for both kits. Both kits can use long cables, mesh systems, and roof mounts. The cables that come with the high-performance kit differ from the standard kit. 

So, if you plan to upgrade your standard kit, you must get the new cable for the high-performance dish. These cables are not interchangeable!    


You always have to think about portability when you are considering a high-performance or standard kit. 

The standard kit is lighter and much smaller than the high-performance dish so that you won’t need such a heavy-duty case. 

Also, the high-performance kit has a whole other power supply brick, which makes connecting everything very complicated. 

So, you would need an excellent portable case for this kind of kit to ensure that everything is protected. 

However, you should consider the standard hardware lot if you camp or go on many trips. If you’re always on the move, you need the capabilities of a high-performance dish. 

Hardware Cost and Service Plans  

The standard hardware kit is set for $599, while the high-performance kit is a whopping $2500. 

That is quite the jump, so you must ensure which kit you want before spending lots of money. 

Other than that, it would help if you also thought about your Starlink service plan. 

If you decide to buy the high-performance kit, it only makes sense to get the best Starlink service plan. 

The residential Starlink plan is good enough for home internet users who like streaming movies, playing games, or surfing the net. 

Business plans give you more traffic priority, so they are more suited for those with a business and many devices. 

If you are a traveler, you should consider the mobile priority plan, which gives you quicker speed and performance. 



When to Choose High-Performance Hardware?

Now, that we have sorted out the differences between the two kits, it’s time to see when to get a high-performance kit is necessary. 

Remember, this kit is not cheap, so you must be sure before buying anything. 

You should get the high-performance kit if:

  • You live in an area that gets a lot of snow, rain, heat, and ice. 
  • You live in an area with many tall, dense trees and other obstructions.
  • You have a business and have lots of devices to connect. 
  • You choose to get mobility, business, or maritime Starlink service plans. 
  • Do you want an advanced system?


As you can see, the high-performance kit costs way more than the standard kit, but it has its benefits for this cost. 

If you have extreme weather conditions or need the best internet for work, then high performance is your option. 

On the other hand, if you are the usual home internet user, the Starlink standard kit is just right for you!