Starlink Warranty: Everything You Need To Know About Starlink Warranty

If you’re an active Starlink Subscriber or are considering subscribing to Starlink, one of the most important things you should know is the Starlink Warranty. 

The information in your Starlink warranty will prove very beneficial in certain ways that you may find out. 

As you read in this guide, you’ll know what conditions are proper to make claims, the products covered by your warranty, and other details relevant to your Starlink warranty. 

You’ll also know what conditions validate or void your warranty and learn what recommendations to help you manage your claims. 

Does Starlink Have A Warranty?

Yes, Starlink offers its users a standard warranty. The products this warranty package covers include the Satellite dish, modem, router, mount, cable, and the internet service it delivers.

 The length of the warranty mostly depends on the kit type, where you bought it from, and where you’re buying from. 

For standard kits, Users in the UK and EU get a 24-month limited warranty that starts counting from the date of purchase from Starlink or an authorized retailer. 

The warranty period falls to 12 months for others outside the EU and the UK, all for purchases of the standard kit. 

A man shown installing a satellite dish

(A man shown installing a satellite dish)

What Does Starlink Warranty Cover?

Your Starlink warranty will fully cover any defects or issues that result from a failure or incident in the manufacturing process. 

This refers to any problems arising from an error in artistry or defect in material that may affect your Satellite internet access.

 If you launch your Starlink and discover that your antenna or router is malfunctioning, your warranty will step in. 

In essence, Starlink is strictly responsible for any issues you have no hand in. If you have tampered with any part of the Starlink hardware and caused its damage yourself, you’d have automatically voided your warranty. 

Also, your warranty will not account for any defects arising from such external factors as natural disasters, vandalism, accidents, or electrical failures. 

The warranty is only valid for you, the original buyer and you’ll lose all your right to claims if you transfer it to someone else. 

An illustration of global network data exchanges

(An illustration of global network data exchanges)

How To Claim Warranty

To get adequate support while filing for claims, you must fully understand the process involved. 

Your first port of call to claim a Starlink warranty should be to reach out to Starlink’s customer support. 

You can do this by visiting the Starlink online portal, as email and telephone-based support are currently unavailable. 

After visiting the online portal via app or browser, you can submit a support ticket request with your warranty claim. 

You’ll need to accurately describe the issue and tender all applicable documentation and details related to your Starlink plan. 

It’ll also help to submit any photos showing the physical damage to your kit, if applicable. 

After you’ve successfully filed your claims, Starlink will ask you to fill out a waiting period. During this time, Starlink will access the validity of your claims using the information you provide. 

Starlink will notify you if your warranty claim has been ratified and accepted or turned down. 

A Satellite dish pictured at night on a roof

(A Satellite dish pictured at night on a roof)

Durability of Hardware and Common Challenges

Starlink designs its hardware for durability and usage under harsh conditions so you can enjoy the best internet service. 

One of the conditions this design seeks to cater to is the Orbital environment’s constantly changing nature. 

This condition can result in the Satellite being exposed to extreme temperatures, high winds, and space debris. 

Starlink designs its Satellites with high-quality, durable, and heat-resistant material to tackle these issues. 

Satellite congestion in Low-earth-orbit is another challenge worth noting. With more satellites entering space, the collision threat and resulting damage becomes even more significant. 

This is why Starlink designs its satellites with advanced onboard technologies like autonomous collision avoidance features to effectively navigate a congested space. 

Coming closer home, Starlink dishes are weather-proofed to endure harsh weather conditions, but only to an extent. 

The phased-array antenna system it employs has weather-proofing built into its terminals. 

Also, your Starlink dish is robust enough to survive drops from heights and scratches from falling objects. 

A fleet of satellites shown in orbit

(A fleet of satellites shown in orbit)

Recommendations for Users to Reduce Starlink Warranty Claims

To avoid making incessant claims on your Starlink device, you must adhere to certain usage guidelines. 

Your warranty will not cover any damages to your device caused by your misuse or mishandling. 

This is why you should check the user manual to get tips on how to safely and properly operate your Starlink. 

To get the best out of your Starlink, only mount your dish and use the device under temperatures and moisture levels as the manufacturer prescribes. 

This is because harsh and extreme weather conditions can reduce your Starlink’s lifespan and impact its performance. 

In case of a malfunction or defect to any part of your Starlink kit, immediately contact a Starlink-certified repair center. 

You can also contact the customer service team over the Internet and file the necessary complaints. 

Starlink advices that you do not unscrew or open up any part of your Starlink kit in an attempt to carry out repairs yourself. 

Also, your warranty will lose effect once you transfer ownership of your Starlink device to another person. 

A man testing Internet speed

(A man testing Internet speed)

Warranty Considerations For Authorized Retailers and Refurbished Equipment. 

Knowing the key details of your Starlink warranty, as it applies to specific products, is a must for every user. 

It is also crucial to know what conditions and scenarios may change the terms of your warranty. 

One such condition is the place where you buy your Starlink. If you own a refurbished kit, your warranty validity period starts counting from the date you bought it from an authorized retailer. 

Starlink devices purchased directly from the manufacturer come with a warranty that starts counting from the day you buy them. 

To put it quite simply, Starlink’s warranty applies to all Starlink purchases regardless of where you buy them from. 

The only difference is that the length of time for when your claims remain valid may be different. 

This is why it is very important to get all the facts from your seller. Your retailer must review all the warranty information and tell you the fine points before releasing the kit. 

Satellites in low earth orbit

(Satellites in low earth orbit)

With this knowledge in mind, you can become more confident in the security and safety your warranty provides. 


Starlink is increasingly becoming the top choice of many who rely on Satellite Internet for off-grid internet browsing. 

If you have just gotten your Starlink kit or plan to get one, you should be looking at what the warranty information entails. 

Knowing about your Starlink warranty and the claim process can be useful if you ever need to file claims. 

This is because you’ll be able to make the right moves and resolve all your claims quickly.