I Have High-Speed Internet but Slow Buffering: Solutions  

I have high-speed internet but slow buffering can be an annoying problem to encounter, especially when you want to binge-watch your favorite show or play an online game.

Those spinning circles on the screen are terrible to look at and stop you from watching your shows or lagging your game even though you paid for good internet. 

So, what’s buffering, and how can we solve it? Let’s look at the possible reasons for buffering and how you can solve it.   

What Is Buffering?

At some point, we have all come to the point of buffering when we use the internet. Buffering happens when you download some data before you get it online. 

This usually happens when you watch videos, play music, or play games. You would want to have a smooth playback without the annoying buffering. 

This is how buffering works:

  • Playback problems- As you’re watching your shows or any content, the media player gets from the buffer to show you the video. If your Starlink internet is down or becomes slow at this time, the content still plays from the data it saves from buffering. 
  • Pre-loading the content- When you watch a video, the player will download a couple of seconds or minutes of the content ahead of what you’re watching. So, this data is kept in the buffer, basically stored on your device. 
  • Constant pre-loading- While you surf the web or watch your video, the play will download and store the content in the buffer constantly, always making sure that you have media to watch before it goes on. So, even if the internet slows down, you can still watch a couple of seconds of the video. 
WiFi router

(WiFi router)

Reasons, Effect, and Resolutions of High-Speed Internet but Slow Buffering

There are many reasons why you might have high-speed internet but slow buffering. Luckily, we have the solutions to all the reasons and the effect it may have on your streaming.

Distance from the server

Something as simple as the distance from your router can affect your internet, even if you have the best.

 It can significantly affect your high-speed internet if you are too far from the server. 

When you are too far from the router, it takes more time for the data to travel from the router to your phone for you to access the internet. 

This causes buffering, slow responses, and delays, which can be frustrating!

To solve this problem, you can use a content delivery network (CDN) that will store the content that is closer to where you live. 

These nifty devices improve your loading times and can almost eliminate buffering by shortening the distance between your devices and the server. So, no more buffering! 

blank screen

(blank screen)

Large File Size

If you want to stream high-quality video content, such as high-definition streams and 4K movies, it comes in big file sizes. 

Streaming content like this needs a lot of bandwidth to watch smoothly. 

Even with your high-speed internet, these large files cannot load without the bandwidth, leading to buffering problems. 

If you want to enjoy a good, high-quality movie without the problem of buffering, you should ensure that your internet speed is good and that you have the bandwidth to handle large files. 

Watching low-quality videos or leaving your video to buffer before watching so you can easily watch. 

Server Traffic

Even with the best internet, when there are too many people on the network simultaneously, this would cause congestion. 

This slows down the connection, and then you start to see the buffering sign. 

Even if your Starlink connection is at 100 Mbps, it will be slowed down during these times, which causes buffering. 

The solution to this is to contact Starlink about the problem you are facing, and they can help you with better network management or another plan that can take a lot of devices. 

Network Interference 

Network interference means external things that will disturb the data that comes to your device over your high-speed internet. 

This is another thing that leads to connectivity issues and lots of buffering. 

Interference can be caused by many things, such as cordless phones, other WiFi networks on the same frequency band, and even your microwave! 

This means the data you are supposed to receive is now delayed, which causes buffering. 

The solution to this is relatively easy. You should go for less congested channels, upgrade your router to a dual-band or tri-band, and ensure the devices that cause disturbances are away from the router. This can help lessen the pain of buffering. 

dual band router

(dual band router)

Device Limitations

Older devices you have may be unable to support the latest WiFi, such as Starlink. 

They may also have less processing power, which disturbs the high-speed connection. 

A slow device cannot process the streaming content, which gives you buffering. 

A solution to this is to upgrade your devices or use a wired connection if you are doing something that needs lots of data. 

Insufficient Bandwidth

Sometimes, even with a high-speed connection, you can still get buffering on your videos and games. 

If you do not have enough bandwidth, then your WiFi will not be able to meet the data that is needed for online surfing. 

You will usually get these problems if you have lots of connections in the home or a business setting. 

When you have a lot of devices on the same connection will limited bandwidth, streaming can be very hard, which leads to buffering and interruptions in your connection. 

If Starlink is giving you 100 Mbps (which is quite high), you may not enjoy this fast speed because of all the devices that are connected. 

The solution is to upgrade to another higher-speed internet or do some tinkering on your router. 

This is quality of service (QoS), and you can use this to make specific streaming traffic more important than others. 

In this, you can rest knowing that important streaming can be done with enough bandwidth, even in the house or business. 

Outdated Hardware

You might think your router does not mean anything, but it is also a crucial part of buffering. 

If you have outdated hardware, it will not be able to handle the high-speed internet like Starlink. 

So, you would need to upgrade to a better router that is more modern. Even when buying a 3rd party router to accompany your Starlink one, make sure it is a recent model!

smooth watching

(smooth watching)

What Else Can I Do to Stop Buffering?

You have so many other things you can do to stop or lessen the pain of buffering. You can reset the router because sometimes the routers store memory.

 After all, it exchanges data between your phone and the web. You can clear this memory by rebooting the router. 

Switch the router off for about 10 seconds, then put it on. 

While using wireless connections is always convenient, sometimes a wired connection is the best way to go. 

For better internet surfing, you can use an ethernet cable to reduce buffering, which lets you watch your video smoothly. 

Commonly, people use this on their smart TVs or desktops. 

Millions of people are on the net simultaneously as you, probably as you are reading this article! 

This is called the peak hours of the internet, because there is traffic at that moment. You can avoid this by using the Internet at night or in the evening. 

In this way, you can reduce buffering and watch your favorite show in peace! 

You can download your shows in advance, too, when your connection is fast so you can watch when the internet is down. 


Having high-speed internet can be a joy, but sometimes it can lag and lead to buffering. 

Luckily, you have the reasons, impact, and solutions to all the problems you might face. Follow these steps and enjoy smooth streaming and gaming!