Can You Use Starlink On A Boat: Internet browsing at Sea?

Can you use Starlink on a boat? – Using Starlink On a boat can be a thrilling experience. Imagine sailing on a pristine blue ocean, feeling the cool breeze in your hair, and being disconnected from the world. 

Starlink Internet connection makes it easy to enjoy fast internet access from the most remote locations. 

You can be on the sea and still enjoy being connected to the internet.

In today’s modern world, it is hard to do without the need for constant connectivity. 

Starlink, the groundbreaking internet service by Spaced, provides access to users in isolated areas, whether on the ground or at sea. 

In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to explore the incredible benefits of Starlinks on a boat. 

Why Is Getting Internet At Sea So Hard?

Internet connection relies on providing physical infrastructure like phone and cable lines, fiber optic cables, and, most importantly, cell towers. 

These things are not always easy to sit on water bodies in the most remote places. 

Simply put the remoteness of sea routes and the relative distance of cell towers and provider hubs to seafaring vessels make for weak internet reception. 

As you drift further into seaborne and away from landline towers, the internet signal fades away, hence the difficulty in establishing and maintaining a connection.  

A laptop placed on a work table

(A laptop placed on a work table)

What Is Starlink?

In 2015, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced the launch of the satellite-based internet broadband service SpaceX. 

Since then, Musk and his team have embarked on a campaign to launch several thousands of low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellites into space. 

These Satellites join forces to provide high-speed internet to millions of people in the most remote places. 

The company’s service extends to people traveling on boats and RVs, with a dedicated plan catering to their internet connectivity needs. 

A silhouette view of a satellite fleet

(A silhouette view of a satellite fleet)

How Does Starlink Work?

Starlink provides a hardware kit available on order from its stores for a $600 upfront fee and a $110 to $135 monthly service fee. 

Its users can securely mount their dish in a place with a clear view of the sky so the dish establishes contact with overhead satellites. 

Starlink’s communication satellites orbit the earth in constant motion, interacting with each other via laser technology. 

These satellites receive requests from end-users on the ground via their mounted antenna/dish. 

They then transmit data to ground stations worldwide, receive it, and return it to the user’s dish. 

This data will trace a path from the dish to the user’s Wi-Fi network via routers to provide the off-grid internet service you enjoy. 

A man installing a satellite dish

(A man installing a satellite dish)

Would Starlink Work On A Boat?

Starlink’s satellites bring internet coverage to the most remote places, including vast ocean bodies, rigs, and sea transport routes. 

This means you can use Starlink on a boat, ship, or any other water vessel and enjoy a satisfactory internet browsing experience. 

You only need to mount the terminal on an elevated platform, possibly on a pole or mast around your boat or ship. 

You can install it on any other flat surface with an unobstructed sky view. 

Once properly installed, these terminals connect to Starlink’s satellite constellation, which beams back internet signals that route back on-board. 

Everybody connected on-board to the Starlink Wi-Fi network can now start enjoying an internet connection. 

This system provides high-speed, low-latency internet that people on the boat can use for any purpose. 

More recently, Starlink has collaborated with European Satellite giant SES to provide Satellite navigation services to cruise ships. 

A satellite dish shown at night

(A satellite dish shown at night)

How Much Does Starlink Maritime Cost?

Starlink offers boaters a dedicated service plan called “Maritime Plan.” For $5000, Starlink gives you two terminals you can install on your boat to connect to its system of Satellites from anywhere on the sea or waterways. 

Users on this Maritime plan pay a monthly service fee of up to $5000 to enjoy 5TB of priority data at speeds of up to 350 Mbps. 

Starlink also offers boaters on this plan a $250 or $1000 subscription for 50GB and 1TB of priority data, respectively. 

While this is a significant fee, it still provides a decent tradeoff for the smooth, fast internet you enjoy. 

The picture is also clearer when you break the facts down. 

The $5000 subscription translates to $1 per GB for anyone connected to the network. 

If you exhaust this 5TB data cap, Starlink charges you an additional $2 per GB on the go.

This is a reasonable charge for Mega Yachts, boats, or any other passenger-carrying vessel for the initial big-money investment.  

Big seafaring companies can recoup this money by offering daily subscription plans to thousands of passengers.  

Pictorial representation of the interconnected world

(Pictorial representation of the interconnected world)

What Are The Vessels That Use Starlink Maritime?

As Starlink continues to provide top-notch internet services to passengers at sea, more Sealiners are starting to take note. 

Royal Caribbean International is one of the first cruise lines to adopt Starlink on board. Since then, several other big vessels and sea liners have added Starlink to their rosters. 

The list of adopters includes Carnival Cruise Line, Holland America Line, Scenic Group, and several others.

A man pictured touching the simulation of global data exchange

(A man pictured touching the simulation of global data exchange). 


Traveling by sea can be quite an ordeal if you don’t have good internet reception. 

Luckily for you, Starlink’s satellite internet can help you meet all your connectivity needs on board. 
Its Maritime plan may be pricey, but its reliable, high-speed, low-latency internet service is a nice addition to any nautical vessel.